Natural Herbal Remedies

Thursday 30 June 2016

How To Lower High Blood Pressure with Grapefruit

 How To Use Grapefruit to Lower High Blood Pressure

How To Lower High Blood Pressure:

 Heart disease is the number one killer of women. If you are a women, and even if your not, here is what you need to start doing. The food you eat is critical in determining if you will have high blood pressure and if you can lower it. Eating less meat and eating more fruits and vegetables can lower your blood pressure. How To Lower High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure occurs when fats, cholesterol, and nutrients in the food you eat start to accumulate along your artery walls. This narrowing of your arteries restricts the flow of your blood, increases your blood pressure and making you more susceptible to heart attacks and strokes. If you have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or high trigylcerides, grapefruit has been found to reduce the effects of these conditions. So which is better yellow or red grapefruit?

Well, in a study made where people who had a history of high cholesterol, those that ate the red grapefruit had the most effect in lower their blood pressure. The yellow also lowered blood pressure but not as much as the red grapefruit. It was found in this study that grapefruit had a better effect in lowering blood pressure than statin drugs.#howtolowerhighbloodpressure

Red grapefruit are extra high in anti-oxidants and these nutrients are able to reduce your trigylcerides: the yellow are not. Eat the red grapefruit when available and when it is not eat the yellow. Eat at least one - two per day. If you eat ½ just before your meal or drink a glass of fresh grapefruit, you can expect to lose 1 or 2 lbs during the month. By eating 2 grapefruits a day expect to lose more weight.

Eating grapefruit has many health benefits, but one other is in controlling your insulin level. Studies have shown that those that eat grapefruits have lower insulin and glucose levels in their blood. It is believed by researchers that grapefruit enzymes help to control insulin increases that happen after you eat. These enzymes help digest your food better and this results in less nutrients being stored as fat. Grapefruit has also been found to be caner preventative.

It's the phytonutrients - antioxidants - and especially lycopene that has been found helpful in preventing cancer. Grapefruits are high in fiber, vitamin C, Vitamin A, and antioxidants - carotenoids, limonoid glucosides, flavonones.

You can buy red and yellow grapefruits from November to May here in the US. If you don't have any in your area go online and order some. CAUTION: If you are on any drugs, do not eat grapefruits in combination with taking drugs. Grapefruit enhances the effect of drugs and can cause symptoms of overdose.

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 Todays Topic : How To Lower High Blood Pressure

Natural Herbal Remedies and Treatments. Healing Powers

Natural Herbal Remedies and Treatments. Healing Powers

Natural Herbal Remedies and Treatments. Healing Powers 

Monday 27 June 2016

Natural Herbal Remedies and Treatments. Ancient Medicinal Techniques.

natural herbal remedies and treatments

Natural Herbal Remedies and Treatments

Treatment using plants and herbs has been observed through centuries. Herbs have a unique ability to synthesis a wide range of chemical compounds, some of these naturally occurring compounds have great healing and medical properties. Natural Herbal Remedies and Treatments

Herbal medicines are gaining popularity day by day because unlike synthetic medicines, herbal medicines have no side-effects. In fact in Germany doctors prefer herbal medicines prescription and almost 600 to 700 herbal medicines are available for patients. According to recent World Health Organization survey 80% of people globally rely on herbal medicines for some part of their primary health care.

Natural Herbal Remedies and Treatments are better due to the known therapeutic benefits and least side-effects as compared to conventional medicines, to read more details about the Natural Herbal Remedies download the e-book encompassing many interesting facts and Detailed Preparation Instructions here:

Natural Herbal Remedies and Treatments


Natural Herbal Remedies and Treatments to use